Cloud Egg : when Eggs become Hipster

I just love experimenting with food and whatever suave and chic. One of the current hipster food trending on Instagram these days is the Cloud Egg.  A simple three-ingredient recipe but looks awesome and doing rounds over social media with a dedicated #cloudeggs 
To prepare, separate the yolks from the egg whites. Sprinkle some salt and beat the egg whites till they start forming stiff picks. On a parchment lined tray, place the egg whites with the help of a spoon forming a mound which somehow resembles a cloud! Bake it in a pre-heated oven for around three minutes. Take out the tray and create a cavity at the centre of the mound (or cloud), gently add the egg yolk, fold in some grated cheese and pepper and put it back in the oven for around four minutes or till you think the yolk is done as per your choice. 

Serve Immediately! But first, put it on the Instagram!!!
